NSHJA Medal Classes

The NSHJA promotes four medals at all Gold Horse Shows in Nova Scotia:

  • NSHJA Hunt Seat Medal
  • NSHJA Pony Medal
  • NSHJA Mini Medal
  • NSHJA Pony Development Medal

NSHJA Hunt Seat Medal

Open to all Junior and Amateur riders.

  1. The NSHJA Hunt Seat Medal class will consist of two phases: a Jumping Phase and a Flat Phase. No change of tack is permitted between phases. Note: Martingales are permitted on the flat.
    a) Course: course of not less than ten jumps 3’ (0.9 m) high.
    Course specifications. The course must include:
    – at least one combination which includes an oxer,
    – at least two changes of direction,
    – 1/3 of the fences must be oxers.
    – three of the following: bending line, narrow jump, roll back turn, fence at the end of the ring, long approach to a single fence.
    – Further to the above specifications, additional tests are to be included in the course.
    b) The course may not be changed or altered for ponies.
    c) The class is judged according to EC rules Article G1008, Class Routine Over Fences
    All contestants or a minimum of eight shall be called back to perform at a walk, trot and canter. The judge will call for additional requirements from EC rules Article G1009, Tests.
    Medal classes will be judged 60% over fences and 40% on the flat.
  5. Riders in a NSHJA Hunt Seat Medal Class may not cross enter into a 3’6 (1.10m) medal class at the same competition.

NSHJA Pony Medal

Open to Junior riders on ponies. ‘A’ riders restricted to Large ponies, ‘B’ and ‘C’ riders permitted on all ponies sizes. Fence heights and distances to be adjusted for respective pony sizes.

To be shown over a course of eight or more hunter type fences with at least two changes of directions and including at least two tests (see EC rules Article G1009, Tests). Minimum of the top 4 to ride-off at the judge’s discretion.

NSHJA Mini Medal

Open to all Junior and Amateur riders.

  1. The class shall have a minimum of two phases; a Flat Phase and either a Gymnastic or Jumping Phase. The Flat Phase must immediately follow the Gymnastic or Jumping Phase. All riders, or a minimum of 12, who completed the course are eligible for the flat phase. The athlete/horse combination must be the same for all phases.
    a) There are no restrictions on saddles.
    b) Change of tack and equipment is permissible between phases.
    c) Blinkers are forbidden.
    d) No martingales of any kind are permitted in the flat phase.
    e) Only running martingales used in the conventional manner are permitted in the jumping phase. Standing martingales, draw reins, or restricted running martingales are prohibited.
    f) Reins must be attached to the bit(s) or directly to the bridle. Gags and hackamores are not allowed in the flat phase. Bit convertors are allowed.
    Not more than 30 riders at a time will show at the working walk, the working trot sitting, the working trot rising and the working trot showing a lengthening of stride, the working canter and the working canter showing a lengthening of stride. The counter canter is strongly recommended.
    a)  This phase is to be judged over a series of gymnastic exercises with a height limit of 0.9m.
    b)  Riders will be provided with a detailed diagram showing the distance and gait at which each is to be ridden.
    c)  In these exercises, each rider will be judged on his or her horse management.
    d)  Trainers may walk the course with riders.
    a)  The over-fences phase shall be over a course of a minimum of ten fences 0.9m to 1.0m in height with spreads to 1.10m.
    b)  The course must include a double and a triple combination with at least one spread fence in each. Two other spread fences are required elsewhere on the course.
    c)  A Liverpool is mandatory.
    d)  The course should be more difficult than a regular horsemanship class and of the type used in junior jumper classes.
    e)  A time allowed must be established based on 350 metres per minute.
    f)  Trainers may walk the course with riders.
    a)  The over fences phase to be conducted under current EC jumper rules. Note: Elimination after the second refusal.
    b)  Time faults penalized as per Table A.
    c)  In addition, the class will be judged on seat, hand, guidance, and control.
    d)  The NSHJA Medal Classes will be judged 60% over fences and 40% on the flat.
    a) Riders competing in 1.20m or higher jumper divisions are not eligible.
    b) Riders may not cross enter between the NSHJA Mini Medal and the CET Medal class at the same competition.

NSHJA Pony Development Medal

Open to Junior riders on ponies. ‘A’ riders restricted to Large ponies, ‘B’ and ‘C’ riders permitted on all ponies sizes. Fence heights and distances to be adjusted for respective pony sizes. Riders will have the opportunity to walk the course.
To be shown over a course of eight or more hunter type fences with at least two changes of directions and including at least two tests (see EC rules Article G1009, Tests). Minimum of the top 4 to ride-off at the judge’s discretion.